• Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 16:00
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Note: We are currently only processing applications from UT Dallas student or faculty teams.  Audience attendance is open to the general public.


To register to attend the event as a non-competetor, click https://makerseed.org/forum2017


We will select up to 9 teams to compete in the makerSeed | Forum 2017 event beginning at 8:45am on March 25th, 2017.  Up to the top 4 scoring teams will win:

- Entry into the makerSeed program and percentage of any sponsor or Crowdfunding revenues.

- A fully funded hardware program from idea to final prototype.

- Fully curated Crowdfunding campaign(s) for generating revenue early market validation.

- A full suite of services including DFM, engineering, IP law, market validation, business development, marketing, and sales fulfillment consultancy.

- Opportunities for exclusive pitches to and potential deals with OEMs, vendors, manufacturing, and retail and distribution companies in the makerSeed portfolio.

- Teams will retain all equity in the corporate entity that is formed.


Our expert panel of judges includes:

 - Jaosn Fox - Evangelist and Developer - Microsoft

 - Todd Phillips - Director, Business Development - Intel

 - Larry Hornbeck, PhD - Professor - Inventor of DLP chip - UTD Jonsson School / Texas Instruments

 - Charles Haseman - Director of Sales - Retail Solutions - NEC USA

  - Walter E. Voit, PhD - Associate Professor - UTD Jonsson School

  - Michael Sitarzewski - CEO of Epic Playground, Inc., Publisher of Launch DFW


Teams will be evaluated on the following criteria:

 1) Has the team concisely defined the problem, or market demand, based on valid supporting industry and consumer feedback data, and cited the source(s)?

 2) Has the team demonstrated a thorough understanding of the advantage(s) of the proposed solution compared to the competition?

 3) Has the team clearly outlined the value proposition for consumers who will drive demand for the product, and will these consumers want to buy this product?

 4) Has the team proven both the technical feasibility of the product and the ability to execute the design?

 5) Has the team considered and applied design for manufacturability principles?

 6) Has the team considered and applied interface usability principles?

 7) Has the team validated that the product can be developed, manufactured, and sold within the economic constraints of the target market(s)?

 8) Has the team researched and considered the relevant intellectual property issues?

 9) Is the product innovative?

 10) Has the team formulated a viable business model?


 The format will consist of 3 team demos per hour until noon when judge deliberations begin.  Awards will be given after lunch.


Team Info
Product Info